Thursday, August 17, 2023

Opening act 23 contest explanation (updated -placed 4th)

UPDATE: I wound up in 4th place and did not make the final round but it was a great experience overall.

pros and cons if you decide to do this next year

-you will get more plays on youtube or whatever you post on the opening act site
-you will get votes from people you have not talked to in a while and it's great to reconnect
-have to update your online info and what you have on social sites will also need updating
-promoting yourself is hard and seems at times annoying asking for votes
-you will get lots of spam of promoters or paid voters...ignore this
-people will do a quick google search and warn you it's a scam (I thought this early on as well)
-make sure everything is done through the opening act contest site

In this video I briefly talk about a contest that can potentially get you on a
stage with major label acts such as Billie Elish, Weezer and Lizzo.

The idea is simple you post some of your music and people vote on it.

It is a benefit concert for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

If you get a chance to vote for me (michael nervOus aka the person that
posts on this blog) please do. I would love to have a ds-10 cart on 
a big stage!


Check out this awesome track!