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Saturday, February 27, 2010
200th post special post (at least for me)
This album is full of my favorites. I hope you enjoy it. sign up for a free emusic trial and download this album very very cheap....free!
It will be available very soon at all your favorite stores and on cd as well.
please remember there is only one ds 10 only song on this album track 15 "mchl nrvs 2".
it does contain 5 synced ds and dsi systems running the ds 10 thru wifi though.
i will put a list up of the other equipment used on another site and put the link here.
michael nervous 1st song on ds 10 plus
Battery leakage
korg ds 10 plus mini review
1. when switching from song mode to pattern mode wherever you stop play is where the switch is made. all the tracks that are muted will not show up in the other mode. all you have to do is unmute the tracks of both decks in the mixer. even after unmuting the tracks my song will still play sometimes but the boxes are missing in the pattern (currently don't know why).
2. ds-10 only sometimes asks me if i'm sure i would like to stop play before song mode starts, maybe 3 out of 10 times. not sure why.
3. when copying patterns be careful to select your pattern, check which deck, hit copy and touch the empty pattern. repeat with the other deck. if you are not careful here it's easy to accidentally copy over patterns.
4. saving to seperate slots. you save deck a and deck b seperatly. this means you have half the amount of save space as the original ds-10.
these things are fine. if you are like me and do everything fast and without paying attention, you may go over things accidentally.
5. it is really easy to pick up and very hard to put down. you will miss your train stop, maybe even on purpose.
6. track mute makes this worth the wait.
to be continued.....
ds-10 dominator sponsors 30 track all ds-10 comp

here is the tentative lineup:
00-Health & Safety [ robomarin ] -
01-Precautions [ L.Paquay ]
02-Explanation By An Adult [ Aerond ]
03-Play In A Well-Lit Room [ Bretagne in Flight ] -
04-Seizure Warning [ ubey ] -
05-Blackouts Triggered By Patterns [ oxideshedder ]
06-Convulsions [ Receptors ]
07-Eye Twitching [ bryface ]
08-Muscle Twitching [ Switch Off, Goodbye. ]
09-Loss of Awareness [ DJ Hollow Life ] -
10-Altered Vision [ Synthesia ] -
11-Involuntary Movements [ theanaloggirl ]
12-Disorientation [ novielo ]
13-Repetitive Motion Injuries [ mugenkidou ]
14-Eyestrain [ toillota ]
15-Battery Leakage [ mchl nrvs ]
16-Radio Frequency Interference [ HarleyLikesMusic ]-
17-Hardware Precautions [ Ivo Dyr vROOOM ]
18-Rapidly Turn The Power Switch ON and OFF [ nitro2k01 ]
19-Sharply Bent Wire [ CardiacTrance ]
20-Extreme Heat Or Cold [ jaytresh ]
21-Contact With Moisture And Dirt [ motone ]
22-Contact with Dust And Lint [ Chema64 ]
23-Deteriorating Liquid Crystal [ ChrisLody ]
24-Designed And Licensed For Use With The Nintendo DS [ Montoya ]
25-Maintenance [ BarataSound ]
26-Game Card Precautions [ bclikesyou! ]
27-A High Precision Electronic Device [ Kaputnik ]
28-Regulations For Equipment Use In U.S.A. and Canada [ amburgerzorro ]
29-Modifications Not Expressly Approved By The Manufacturer [ calmdownkidder ]
30-Reorient The Receiving Antenna [ DS-10 Dominator ]
Friday, February 26, 2010
new michael nervous album out soon!
the album consists of homemade instruments, gadgets, drum machines, guitars, lots of circuit bent instruments, some gaming equipment and enough other things that i will have to write in depth when it comes out.
Some of the tracks were used live (other versions and performances) in bands called "the nervous" and "personal trainer". this would be their original versions.
i will post when it is up and live.
vjfranzk -BLIPTRONIC 5000 & KAOSS vs AURORA vs DS10 Plus - Casual Ambient Cafe Jam
BLIPTRONIC 5000 & KAOSS vs AURORA vs DS10 Plus - Casual Ambient Cafe Jam
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Nintendo DSi XL
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
brown truck....
Saturday, February 20, 2010
i ordered my korg ds 10 plus on amazon
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
release date: 6 february 2010 | catalogue number: KR036
The new album. Will wreck any dancefloor.
A whirlwind of electro-synthpop-dubstep-drum-n-bass-chiptune-crunk-gabber!
“As one of the rare artists who actually lives up to his boastful moniker, DS-10 Dominator has beautifully produced everything from squelchy slinky deep house, grimy electro, gabber, floaty electronica and angry duck music from his little Nintendo DS and put it all in this lovely hour long release.” -jellica of kittenrock.co.uk
DOWNLOAD (free) from Internet Archive
VISIT Netlabel Kittenrock
STREAM via 8bitcollective
(artwork by Kaputnik)
Thursday, February 4, 2010
DS-10 Dominator - Waiting To Happen [dubstep] Live @ Stroom, De Boulevard, Breda
DS-10 Dominator - Waiting To Happen [dubstep] Live @ Stroom, De Boulevard, Breda
elvis - ds 10 - itunes and youtube
Elvis Presley Information
This year is 75th birth anniversary of Elvis Presley!
"Elvis 75" that is Elvis best compilation is on sale!!!
This year will be "Elvis year" !!!
In additional to this , please check below information!!!
1 : Count down project!!!!
Now, we will start to countdown to show the audition grandprix winners music video on Youtube and myspace on 10,February.
So, please check and leave a message in my comments.
2 : Download sale on iTunes!!!!
We released "Elvis Presley Electro Cover Compilation -meets KORG DS-10-
"on iTunes!!
So, please check and listen here!!!!
And we will release this title CD on 31, March in Japan.
Thank you for your time.
Best regards
Elvis Presley & KORG DS-10 Audition Secretariat
■now on sale on iTunes
■Audition Official Site
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
14 days to go!