Thursday, June 16, 2022

Ebosuite multitrack video in Ableton Live +. Korg Gadget

Korg Gadget has become the center of my workflow in the last couple of years. When I need to be inspired I usually start with hardware synths. When I am just motivated to create, and want instruments in front of me that I know and don't have to fumble through patches or patching, I start with gadget. With gadget and export to Ableton Live and the ability to merge multile als exports from gadgets allows you to remix your music, use multiple takes (saves) that you like or merge midi with audio in the same als save. In this video I take it a step further after exporting to Ableton both audio (samples) and midi, merge the two into one project and assign the midi to trigger video using the fantastic Ebosuite plugins. Also the parameters of start of video, size, color and most Vjay and video editor fx can be midi mapped to anything is just a performance waiting to happen. 

