Click on the song for the link or here
The IGOR VASILIEV : STRANGER TRACKS : iPad Musician Challenge!!
WINNERS GET The Igor Vasiliev app of their choice!! YEAY!!!
Deadline: AUGUST 8th at 11:59PM EASTERN TIME
Challenge: Create a track that fits in with the STRANGER THINGS tv show!!
For example: Entries can be in the realm of the opening theme, a piece that sounds like a monster chasing you, or some deep mid-eighties retro!!
~Must be a track you made specifically for this contest!~
Sounds in your entry must be generated via iOS… traditional acoustic instruments can be used if recorded or effected via iOS. Desktop effects or sounds are discouraged.
Listing which apps you’ve used equals xtra credit. : )
All entrants must vote. You must vote for a track other than your own.
NEWBIES: please feel free to enter a track, it’s all in fun.
Once voting begins, All iPM members are free to vote for their faves : )
Voters will be encouraged to vote for tracks where they…
-dig the retro and/or feel the heebie jeebies 

-feel the Stranger Things vibe
-can imagine the track playing on the show
-wish the track was longer
-want to hear it again
-see the entrant has posted which apps they used
Post the soundcloud link to your entry in a comment under this post to be included in the playlist-or
You CAN post a link to your entry from a non-soundcloud service- if you do, it won’t be in the playlist but it will be posted for voting.

-tracks must be minimum of 45 seconds and max 1.5 mins (so voters can listen to all entries)
-Have fun!
Do it for Igor’s great apps, do it for the iPad Musician ios GLORY!!