Saturday, July 15, 2023

opening act contest (details in description) michael nervOus opening for a major label artist?

All the music I have up right now is made with korg gadget or the korg ds 10. If you get a chance to vote for me to open up for a major musical act in new york, that would be greatly appreciated. Also it may be fun to see the ds-10 being used in front of an audience of that size....also me or an experimental act opening for a major act would probably be an experience that those fans would not normally get to see.

Thank you

links are in the description and the voting starts 7/17/23 and its a stramge system. any person can vote once a day and there will be multiple tiers to get through so voting often helps as well. the starnge part is you can buy votes to vote more than once a day (its asking a lot for a free vote so not sure who would do this).
anyone can sign and get approved for the contest. it may be too late for this round.