Saturday, February 26, 2011

day 18 and day 19 new songs in progress

Some of the material I have been working on is not ready to be uploaded for pattern views as of yet. the last two days there are two new songs in the works on the new card that I unboxed in 3d.

I also wanted to make sure I keep up with posting other videos and songs other than my own and watched as I posted in several windows last night which was really fun as there is a lot of good material being made on the ds 10.

I would like to pre-order a 3ds...we will see how the funds are. I would love to put some of my 3d videos up for download to the 3ds if there is a format or conversion available when it comes out.

the songs I am working on rely on:
song one-delay and swing
song two- panning and layering
both using the ds 10 plus.

will have some new videos up this week sometime.